Question Quiz To Test Your General Knowledge

1. Which country has the fastest train in the world?

Ans. The fastest train in the world is in France.

2. What does 24 carats gold mean?

Ans. 24-carat gold means pure gold.

3. What was the real name of the famous General Muhammad bin Qasim?

Ans. The real name of the famous General Muhammad bin Qasim was Emad-Ud-Din.

4. What is the name of the Ugandan president who was also a boxer?

Ans. The Ugandan president, who was also a boxer, was named Idi Amin.

5. Which is the country where 15,000 tons of chewing gum is eaten every year?

Ans. Fifteen thousand tons of chewing gum is eaten in France every year.

6. Who was the first Imamate in Badshahi Masjid Lahore?

Ans. Emperor Aurangzeb Alamgir was the first to lead the Badshahi Mosque in Lahore.

7. Which country's stamp does not have the name of the country written on it but the picture of the king or queen is printed there?

Ans. Instead of the name of this country, the image of the king and queen is printed on the stamps of Britain.

8. When did India forcibly occupy the state of Junagadh?

Ans. India forcibly occupied the state of Junagarh on October 29, 1947

9. Which country has the largest telescope in the world?

Ans. The world's largest telescope is located in the United States.

10. Who was the first to know the speed of light?

Ans. The speed of light was first determined by Roser

11. What is an observatory?

Ans. The place where astronomical observations are made.

12. Why does the earth's magnetic system malfunction?

Ans. Earth's magnetic system is disturbed by the sun's flames.

13. When was the Kashmir issue first raised at the UN?

Ans. The Kashmir issue arose at the United Nations on January 1, 1948.

14. When was the decision taken by the United Nations to hold a referendum in Jammu and Kashmir?

Ans. The decision to hold a referendum in Jammu and Kashmir was taken on January 29, 1948.