1. Which country published the newspaper on rubber and when?

Ans. France published a newspaper on rubber in 1850.

2. Who was the last king of Egypt?

Ans. The last king of Egypt was named Shah Farooq.

3. Who was the last emperor of Iran?

Ans. The last emperor of Iran was Reza Shah Pahlavi.

4. From which tree is turpentine oil extracted?

Ans. Turpentine oil is extracted from the pine tree.

5. What is the name of this tree whose branches glow in the dark after drying?

Ans. Northam is a tree whose branches wither and glow in the dark.

6. Where are the trees that glow in the dark?

Ans. In Turkey, some trees glow in the dark.

7. In which country is the world's largest power plant located?

Ans. Canada is home to the world's largest power plant.

8. Which country has the most universities in the world?

Ans. The United States has the largest number of universities in the world.

9. Which country has the most smoking in the world?

Ans. The United States has the highest number of smokers in the world.

10. How many watts is the largest bulb in the world and which country made it?

Ans. The world's largest bulb weighs 50 kW and was manufactured by Japan.

11. How fast the light of the world's largest bulb is?

Ans. The light from the world's largest bulb is so bright that a newspaper can be read at a distance of 600 yards.

12. What is the length and weight of the world's largest bulb?

Ans. The world's largest bulb is 26 inches long and weighs 50 pounds.

13. Which is the country where people make buckets from camel's stomachs and sell them?

Ans. Somalia is a country where people make camel stomach buckets and sell them.

14. What is the name of the most sensitive woman in the world and what country does she belong to?

Ans. The most sensitive woman in the world is Madame Reese, from Versailles France.