Ten Most Expensive countries in the world

1. The queen of which country ruled the country for 50 years and never stepped out of her palace and what was the name of the queen?

Ans. The Queen of Poland ruled the country for fifty years and never stepped out of her palace and her name was Christine Upper Yardin.

2. When did the world's largest kite fly and what was its length and total area of that kite?

Ans. The world's largest kite was flown on August 11, 1984, and has a length of 2133 feet and an area of of ​​2288 square feet.

3. What is the name of this magnificent church which was built by only one man?

Ans. This great church was called the Church of War Wings, which was built by only one man.

4. What is the most dangerous peak in the world?

Ans. Nanga Parbat is the most dangerous peak in the world.

5. Where is the largest well in the world located?

Ans. The largest well in the world is located in Greenberg, USA.

6. Who set the record for the longest smile in the world?

Ans. Lisa Letter, a 12-year-old Canadian girl, set the longest smile record. She set a record of smiling for ten hours and five minutes

7. What was the name of the last Guru of the Sikhs?

Ans. The name of the last Guru of the Sikhs is Guru Gobind Singh.

8. Which country produces the most dates in the world?

Ans. Iraq produces the most dates in the world.

9. The 400-year-old iron key is used to open and close the state house of which state?

Ans. The 400-year-old iron key is used to open and close the Andorra State House.

10. What is the weight and length of this key that is used to open and close a statehouse in the state of Andorra?

Ans. This key weighs three pounds and is one foot 5 inches long.