1. Which tree was the first tree to grow?

Ans. The palm tree was born before all other trees.

2. How old was Socrates when he drank the cup of poison?

Ans. Socrates was 70 years old when he drank a cup of poison.

3. Which country has the highest number of trains?

Ans. The United States has the largest number of trains in the world.

4. Which country has the highest number of radio stations?

Ans. The United States has the largest number of radio stations.

5. Which neighboring country of Pakistan does not have a railway line?

Ans. Neighboring Pakistan, Afghanistan does not have a railway line.

6. What was the name of the ship on which Columbus discovered America?

Ans. Columbus discovered America on a ship called the Santa Maria.

7. When was the Berlin Wall built?

Ans. The Berlin Wall was built in 1961.

8. Which country built the Berlin Wall?

Ans. The Berlin Wall was built by East Germany.

9. When was the Berlin Wall torn down?

Ans. The Berlin Wall was demolished in 1998.

10. Why did the United States launch a rocket called Galileo?

Ans. The United States has dropped a rocket called Galileo to get information about Jupiter.

11. How many of the eight highest peaks in the world are found in Pakistan?

Ans. Pakistan has four of the eight highest peaks in the world and their height is more than 45,000 feet.

12. Which country's coin is named after that country?

Ans. Name of the coin of the pilgrim country.

13. What is the name of the highest lake in the world?

Ans. The highest lake in the world is called TT Kaka.

14. Where are the Falkland Islands located?

Ans. The Falkland Islands are located in the Atlantic Ocean.

15. What acid is found in grapes?

Ans. Grapes contain tartaric acid.

16. What book is called Devil's Book?

Ans. The deck of cards is called the Devil's Book.